
The Verhoevens

The Verhoeven familyPieter serves tens of thousands of indigenous committed full-time, part-time and volunteer Youth for Christ staff around the world and together they seek to reach every young person for Christ. Vision, strategy, training, resources, materials, information, research, programs, pastoral care, administrative help, fundraising support, and a host of other resources are provided to those who need it.

Pieter traces his Youth for Christ involvement to attending Youth for Christ bible studies in 1972. His involvement has included various roles; starting as a volunteer and then part-time. In 1984, Pieter began full-time vocational ministry with Youth for Christ.

Pieter is married to Megan and they have two children, Lauren, born in 1995, and William, in 2002. They have served with Youth for Christ in various roles and places in Australia, in the Asia Pacific region and at the International office in Colorado, USA. Pieter serves, as part of a global international team, as the Director of Operations and Communications.

Each Youth for Christ team member is committed to mobilise a team of partners that support through prayer and financial giving.

Your giving allows Pieter to provide the help and resources needed to these indigenous committed full-time, part-time and volunteer Youth for Christ staff around the world.

Evergreen Partners

The Verhoevens are seeking partners to commit to pray and give $100 a month or more via a monthly electronic funds transfer from their bank account.

As an Evergreen Partner your giving is convenient and always current.

Your giving allows Pieter to provide the help and resources needed to indigenous committed full-time, part-time and volunteer Youth for Christ staff around the world.

As an Evergreen Partner your giving continues without having to routinely update your credit card and you may change or stop your support at any time.


Reasons to consider becoming an Evergreen Partner:

  • Convenience. Your giving to Youth for Christ continues monthly
  • No need to update credit cards or expiration dates
  • Your giving is always active, month after month, year after year
  • You may change or stop your giving at any time

Evergreen Partners commit to pray and give $100 a month or more via a monthly electronic funds transfer from their bank account.

To contact the Verhoevens

[contact-form to=”[email protected]”] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]