Included in the Youth for Christ ministry in Uganda is teaching vocational skills to young mothers. At Idudi, and also in Kampala, this year they are learning tailoring.
Quite a few of these girls had to leave school to have their babies and haven’t been able to go back for various reasons.
The girls are making some good garments but they are hindered in their progress because of lack of good equipment. They are down to two very old machines for 8 girls. They are on their last legs and these two and a couple of others that are out of action will be costly to repair.
New machines cost 400,000 Ugandan shillings (around $140 USD). This is a basic one, but stronger and more durable would be around 500,000 Ugs (around $170 USD).
Thank you for prayerfully considering a gift to help Youth for Christ in Uganda purchase some more sewing machines for this vital ministry.