
Maher El Hajj

Maher, Rachel  and TimothyMaher committed his life to Christ as a teenager in a Youth for Christ club meeting on January 6, 1995. He was followed up, discipled, mentored, and trained in youth work. He has worked as a staff member of Youth for Christ in Lebanon for many years, 5 of them, 2003-2008, full-time. These past few years, even as he continued helping out with Youth for Christ as a volunteer, he was the Associate Director of a faith-based humanitarian NGO in Lebanon, “Heart For Lebanon.” Maher is married to Rachel and they have a son, Timothy.

When asked what led him to accept becoming the National Director this is what he said:
“At the beginning of the year 2011, I helped put together a youth conference “Growing Leaders” that brought together youth leaders from all over the country. It was such an awesome time of training, fun and fellowship.

One morning, Youth for Christ prepared a creative way to worship the Lord, Liquid Worship. In one of the rooms, there were pictures of young people that I have known over the years in Youth for Christ; memories rushed into my mind as I remembered the young people I led to Christ, discipled and mentored. Some have even become youth leaders and were attending this same conference. At that moment I felt an indescribable feeling and I started to weep like a little child. On that day, the Lord broke my heart for the lost youth of Lebanon. I had been struggling with this for a couple of months but hadn’t shared this with anyone except my wife.

“Four months later, in April 2011, I got a call from the board asking me if I would consider the position of National Director. I was positively surprised yet I asked for some time to think and pray about it. After prayerful consideration, I decided to obey the calling the Lord had put on my heart. Despite many unknowns and new challenges ahead, I knew the Lord wanted me to obey the call. Towards the end of June I gave my acceptance to the board.

“The Lord has given me a vision to reach the youth of Lebanon with the gospel message with whatever it takes and to disciple, train and empower them to reach the next generation of young people in Lebanon, hand in hand with the local church!”