In July of 1965 Eli Beltran joined the staff of Youth for Christ in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, working with ‘at risk’ young people. Many of whom were court referrals, or teens referred to Youth for Christ by school counselors. Eli also directed the music program for Youth for Christ during the five years on staff at Grand Rapids.
Marcia joined the Grand Rapids staff in 1968 and in 1969 she and Eli became partners in marriage and ministry. It was March of 1970 when they transferred to the ministry of Peoria Area Youth for Christ. Directing Campus Life Clubs, the Reachout music group, special events, staff training, camping, and numerous other ministry opportunities were a part of Eli and Marcia’s involvement with young people in Peoria.
In 1980 Eli took on the great challenge of directing the local Peoria Area YFC ministry, which he did for 21 years.
After 31 years in local youth ministry with Youth for Christ, Eli and Marcia moved to Denver, Colorado to be a part of the ministry team at the Youth for Christ USA National Service Center, then on to the staff of Youth for Christ International. God has continued to use them both as they have ministered to young people in the US and around the world.
In 2003 Eli was appointed as the Pioneering Director for the Americas, one of the five global ministry areas of Youth for Christ ‘s international movement.
Eli has multiple responsibilities including:
- Serving on the Area Leadership Team that coordinates and strategize the direction and goals for the growth of Youth for Christ in the Americas region.
- Being the point person in pioneering Youth for Christ ministry to nations that don’t have Youth for Christ ministry.
- Representing and advocating for the mission of Youth for Christ throughout the Americas.
- Appointing and training steering committee members for pioneering countries.
- Initiating ministry events in pioneering countries, such as ‘youth worker training workshops’.
- Leading Youth for Christ Project Serve short-term mission trips to pioneering countries.
- Raising funds for the pioneering efforts in the Americas region.
- Encouraging partnerships between churches and Youth for Christ programs in the US with ministry in third-world nations.
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” –2 Corinthians 4:5