As you know, Youth for Christ ministry is growing as never before. This year alone ministry has commenced in 15 new nations and thousands of young leaders have been deployed in some of the most inaccessible and hostile environments in the world. Millions of young people are being impacted and provided with an opportunity to be followers of Jesus.
As you can imagine it is a struggle to keep pace with this exponential growth. In fact, at the beginning of this year I was so overwhelmed by the resource demands associated with the global expansion of the ministry that I asked our world leaders to stop pioneering new nations until we could at least meet the current needs. Three months later it was reported at a World Leadership Team meeting that in spite of my request, ministry had started in 12 more nations! As I prayed about this the Lord clearly said to me, “David, I am doing this, so you need to catch up!”
Would you please help us “catch up”? A significant amount of financial resources are given in the last months of each year. In faith we have made commitments to equip and nurture the many young leaders that are emerging globally and following their calling to reach the unreached, un-churched young people of the world. Not even in our wildest dreams did we anticipate having so many young leaders and newly pioneered nations to resource. Your support will enable these agents of hope, love and salvation to transform the world with the Good News of Jesus and the power of His Kingdom.
Thank you,
David Wraight
International President