
Randy & Valerie Beaverson

Randy and ValerieRandy serves as US Liaison Director for the Asia-Pacific Youth for Christ region and is based out of Indianapolis, Indiana.  He and his wife, Valerie, have been serving with Youth for Christ for 25 years. They have two children. Randy first directed Youth for Christ’s Campus Life programs in many Indianapolis area schools, then served as Central Indiana Youth for Christ Executive Director until 2001. The Beaversons then served as Director and Nurse at Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Alaska. Upon returning to Indianapolis in 2004, Randy served with Central Indiana Youth for Christ as an Area Coordinator then joined the Asia-Pacific office in 2008.  Valerie works part time as a nurse.

Current projects include pioneering Youth for Christ ministry in new South Asia nations, development of training materials and helping with US visits of Youth for Christ National Directors from many Asia-Pacific countries.  Through the years, Randy and Valerie have rejoiced in seeing young people find eternal life and hope in a relationship with Christ.