September 2011
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Area Director [AD]: Hilary Lewis-Nicol [Melrose]
- Thank God for committed people serving in YFC in Africa. Ask Him for the salvation and effective discipleship of youth across the continent.
- We are grateful for the way the Lord is providing for ministry in Africa. Trust HIM for enough funds and resources to do effective ministry.
- Pray for wisdom for Hilary, as he leads YFC Africa.
- Entrust our need for full time administration staff in the Area office to the Father.
Hilary Lewis-Nicol, Jean Baptiste Mugarura, David Kadalie, EJ van As, Josue Akowanou & Koekoes van As
- Thank the Lord for willing members on the ALT. Ask Him for good health and that these men and woman will have a deep relationship with Jesus and will live a life of obedience to HIM alone.
- Honour the Father for safe travels and for keeping their loved ones safe in their absence. Continue to present the safety of their loved ones unto God.
- Trust our Provider for finances enabling them to attend ALT meetings, General Assembly and to visit the nations in their regions, also for safe travels.
- Intercede for the ALT for guidance, especially wisdom to implement all that was decided during the last meetings and help them to prepare for the meeting of 22-23 September in Denver, USA.
- Pray for God’s leading and direction as we look for a suitable person to take over the Training Department.
West Africa Director: Hilary Lewis-Nicol [Melrose]
Prayer coordinator: Bremansu Osa-Andrews
- Intercede for guidance to do effective pioneering into Togo, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon.
- Thank God for the work of YFC in the West Africa Region. Ask Him to guide Hilary as Regional Director [RD], especially a person to take over from him.
- Exalt Jesus for collective partnerships in the region.
East Africa Director: Jean Baptiste Mugarura [Marina]
- Appreciate the Holy One for strong ministry across the East Africa Region. Trust Him for improvement in the areas that need it.
- Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance for Jean Baptiste as he serves on the International Board.
Francophone Director: Josue Akowanou [Prisca]
- Trust Jesus for strength, health, spiritual growth and financial provision for the Akowanou family.
- Ask God for peace in Niger, Togo and Cote d’Ivoire and pray for protection for ND’s, their staff and families.
- Submit the need for more open doors for YFC ministry in all the Francophone countries unto the Almighty One.
- Bring the planned Francophone Conference and Internship Training later this year to the Father.
Southern Region Director: E.J. van As [Koekoes]
Prayer Coordinator: Koekoes van As
- Honour the Father for lovely ministry opportunities in Southern Africa. Submit the need for full time national workers in Malawi, Botswana, Lesotho & Zambia unto God.
- Rejoice with us for good Staff Training in Namibia last month. Ask God for wisdom for everyone to implement what they’ve heard.
- Praise God for His faithfulness in providing for the SR office. Trust HIM for a full time secretary in the SR office, also for a fruitful time for EJ at General Assembly in Denver later this month.
- Appreciate the Everlasting King for committed people serving in the Region. Pray that the ministry of YFC will flourish in all 10 nations.
Island Nations Director: David Kadalie [Denise]
- There is a possibility that David’s first book can be translated into French. Pray for wisdom.
- Praise the Lord for a lovely time of training for David in Namibia recently. Pray for David, as he plans to go to GA later this month.
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Reunion, Seychelles and Comoros/Mayotte successfully.
- We are grateful for prayer and financial supporters, for both personal and ministry. Intercede for David for guidance regarding mentoring of Ravo to take over the Indian Ocean Islands role.
- We are grateful for the opportunity to gather during GA as a worldwide family later this month. Trust our Provider for the necessary funds to enable everyone to attend this very important conference.
- Praise Jesus for His provision towards GA. Submit everything needed into the Lord’s care.
- Continue to pray for timely registrations and successful visa applications of our brothers and sisters in countries where USA visa are hard to obtain, also continue to pray for all the speakers to bring the right messages to GA.
- Ask the Spirit to grant everyone safe travels, good health and a lovely time of fellowship and spiritual renewal for the whole family together.
Operation Pioneer is an extensive pioneering effort by Youth for Christ Africa to pioneer 10 countries in the next 5 years and have them ready for chartering with YFC International after two years.
- Pray that an effective YFC ministry will be started in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros & Mayotte, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Reunion, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania/Zanzibar and Togo. Ask our Father to raise nationals up in these countries to spearhead the ministry.
- Ask God for wisdom for the countries or offices that are going to twin up with these 10 nations to develop a ministry. [Guinea Conakry – Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria – Cameroon, Benin – Central African Republic, Ghana – Togo, Reunion – Reunion, Kenya – Tanzania/Zanzibar, Rwanda & Burundi – DR Congo, Uganda – Southern Sudan, Madagascar – Comoros/Mayotte and Island Region Office – Seychelles.]
- We are grateful for funding that already came in for this project. Trust our Provider for more funds to execute pioneering in all 10 countries, trust Him that all the nations in Africa would be able to contribute towards this project. Submit also the logistical resources needed unto our Lord.
- Stand against every force of darkness withstanding the Pioneering Initiative and intercede for peace and stability in these nations.
- Ask the Spirit for guidance for the PS Canada leaders regarding sending international volunteers.
- Trust our Father for wisdom for al the leaders as they evaluate this year’s trips and plan for next year.
Graciano Viliengue [Elisabeth]
Carlos Monteiro – Prayer Coordinator
- Thank God for some committed National Board members. Intercede for Board members, staff and volunteers for protection and to have wisdom, vision and good health.
- Admire the Father for making it possible for two staff members to attend Staff Training in Namibia. Submit our material and financial needs unto our Father.
- We are grateful for the opportunities we have currently to bring the Gospel to lost young people. Trust the Lord for good working relations with the local churches and also good cooperation with the parents of our volunteers.
- Glorify Jesus for His provision so far. Ask the Holy Spirit to help the youth we are reaching to stand firm in their faith.
Anthelm Souhouin
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Central African Republic successfully.
- Honour the Father for faithful staff and volunteers. Pray for them as they reach the youth of our nation.
- Appreciate the Lord for good ministry in schools. Trust HIM for much needed staff support and finances to cover ministry costs.
- We are grateful for a few committed Board members. Intercede for them as they serve alongside us
- Praise the Lord for the piece of land that we have. Ask our Provider to help us to develop this land into a training centre.
E.J. van As [Koekoes]
Koekoes van As – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise the Lord for committed staff, volunteers and National Board members. Pray that the Spirit will guide them in their daily tasks, especially a deep relationship with HIM.
- We are grateful for the faithfulness of our Father and His protection upon us, especially protecting lives during an accident last month. Ask God for continuous protection upon the YFC properties, buildings, staff homes and vehicles and safe travels for all of us.
- Thank God that Em; Modise & Fifie could go to Namibia for Staff Training. Trust HIM for a national director, office manager, ‘handy man’ and a financial administrator.
- Honour our King that we could reach a lot of youth during the holiday programmes of the recent school holidays. Submit these youngsters unto Jesus so that they will grow spiritually.
Paul Kabore [Celestine]
- We are grateful for 7 board members. Ask our Father for funding to renovate our buildings.
- Pray that Paul and his team will be able to make YFC an instrument that transforms the young people of their nation into the image of Jesus Christ.
- Thank God that the radio station YFC is involved with is reaching many. Trust the Spirit to speak into the hearts of young listeners to change their ways.
- We are grateful for the smooth running of the primary education institution. Intercede for Paul, his family, staff, board members and volunteers, for physical and spiritual well-being.
Freddy Tuyizere [Marie-Josee]
Frederique – Prayer Coordinator
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we in cooperation with Rwanda would be able to pioneer the Democratic Republic of the Congo successfully.
- Thank the Father for Builders without Borders who came to help with the construction of Gitega International Academy. Trust Him for continued safety on site and for the completion of phase 1.
- Glorify the King of kings for fruitful Bible clubs for the children at the Homes of Hope. Stand with us in prayer for enough finances to run our ministry.
- Ask our Provider for safety and good health for visiting teams during the rest of this month.
- Entrust our need for primary and senior secondary school teachers unto Jesus.
Contact person: Charles Ngwa
- Praise Jesus for Nigeria’s willingness to pioneer Cameroon. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands.
- Admire God for the opportunity we have to start working in Cameroon. Ask our Father for wisdom for ongoing ministry.
- Trust the Lord to send people to work with us.
- Praise Jesus for Benin’s willingness to pioneer CAR. Entrust the re-pioneering process unto God.
- Ask the Father to send people to come and serve with YFC in this country.
- Trust Jesus for committed people to serve on the National Board.
David Kadalie, East Indian Ocean Islands Regional Director
- Praise Jesus for Madagascar’s willingness to pioneer Comoros. Entrust the pioneering process into God’s hands.
- The youth of this small nation need our love and care. Ask for wisdom and knowledge for the people who are involve with youth work on this island, for their safety and all their needs.
- Honour the Father for N’s willingness to start with youth work here. Intercede for him and his family, as they will relocate to the island later this month.
Gaudens Gogo
Alcide Gogo [Colette] Prayer Coordinator
- Exalt the Prince of Peace for establishing a new government. Trust the HIM for continued peace and stability in this country, also pray for wisdom for political leaders.
- Thank Jesus for faithful staff and some volunteers working in YFC under very difficult circumstances. Pray that we would be able to do ministry and that the office could be rebuilt after it was demolished in political unrest.
- Ask our Provider for safety and good health for staff and volunteers, enough funds for ministry, also personal support for all of us.
Contact person: Roger Vangu [Therese]
- Praise Jesus for Burundi & Rwanda’s willingness to re-pioneer DRC. Entrust this process into God’s hands.
- Praise Jesus for His presence in our ministry. Intercede for wisdom for Rodger in Kinshasa and for Levy in Goma, Eastern DRC YFC and for a good working relationship with local churches.
- Ask God for more volunteers and full time staff members also people who can serve as National Board members.
- Entrust all GA expenses unto the Lord also a successful visa application.
Alemtshay Yemane
- Praise the Lord for encouraging staff and volunteers through Bible study and prayer times. Ask the Spirit to guide YFC-E staff and volunteers, as they pioneer in Debre Ziet, Dessie, Duckem and Debre Berhan.
- Thank the King of kings for provision of partners and finances to sustain the ministry through fundraising initiatives. Pray for guidance for Board members, staff and volunteers, as they implement their day-to-day responsibilities.
- Honour the Father for fruitful visits from visitors recently. Bring the young people of Ethiopia before the Throne of Grace for justice and righteousness to reign.
- Glorify the Lord for every opportunity we have in spreading the Gospel. Intercede for Alem for a fruitful time in the USA.
Seal Sylvester Jammeh
Therese Jarjam – Prayer Coordinator
- The schools ministry are growing, praise the Lord for that. Ask Him for more committed volunteers to help us on a weekly basis.
- Thank Jesus for His support through our donors. Trust Him that the Sewing Centre will be successful.
- We are grateful that the Operation Hannah prayer movement is doing well. Intercede for the prisoners that we are working with to grow spiritually.
- Thank the Father for the opportunity to do street evangelism regularly. Submit every person who made a commitment to Jesus for maturity.
Patrick Yin Mahama
Bremansu Osa-Andrews – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise the Almighty One for how far He has brought the ministry in Ghana. Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Togo successfully.
- Thank God for the effective staff training in Bolgatanga. Pray that everyone will implement what they’ve heard.
- Admire Jesus for faithful staff and volunteers serving all over Ghana. Trust HIM for good office space to host the National Office.
- We are grateful that for ongoing computer training to Junior High School students. Stand with us in prayer for the completion of the Training Centre.
- Commit our plans to pioneer the Upper East region of Ghana unto Christ.
Jose Augusto Bedeslei [Eugenia]– National Coordinator
Emily Atkins [Jason] – Prayer coordinator
- Exalt God for the beginning of the rainy season and all of the growth that it brings. Pray for good health of all staff since the rainy season usually brings lots of sickness.
- Intercede for staff, volunteers and board members to have a deep relationship with our Lord and ask Him for new strategies to reach youth.
- Praise the Lord for the completion of the concrete support structure for our solar power system. Trust HIM to give Jason wisdom as he’s designing the security system and the mounts for the 60 panels.
- Admire Jesus for the 24/7 house of prayer in Mansoa. Pray that the prayers offered there would be pleasing to Him and that He would show his power in Guinea-Bissau
Reuben Tamba Komba – National Coordinator
Mathias Teepa Bumie – Prayer Coordinator
- Continue to ask for a peace and stability in our nation and for wisdom for our political leaders.
- Pray that we would be able to pioneer Equatorial Guinea successfully.
- Exalt the Lord for the various ministries in schools, churches and communities. Intercede now already for the upcoming Youth Camp 18-24 September in Kindia.
- Rejoice with us for the young people who hear the Gospel through our school ministry. Pray that the unreached of this nation will have the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.
- Honor our Father for willing volunteers working in different ministries. Pray that the young people will use their holidays to meaningfully serve the Lord and not get engage in lustful activities.
Grace Ojiambo [Fred]
- Honour the Father that the team of 5, who are going to GA, received their visas. Ask Jesus to enable them to get their air tickets quickly.
- Thank Jesus for His provision and sustenance this past month. Trust God for enough funds to do our ministry well.
- Glorify God for continued favour, health and protection to staff and volunteers. Stand with us in prayer for guidance for our counselors as they handle many hurting and needy clients.
- Praise the Lord for faithful Board members and committee members. Intercede for them to stay committed in their service for our Lord in YFC.
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Tanzania/ Zanzibar successfully.
Gert van den Bos – National Director
Delrine Pritiviraj – Prayer coordinator
- Rejoice with us for the lovely time we had with volunteers Gerda and Heleen and the ministry they could do here. Trust Jesus that the upcoming SHAPE Day would be a success.
- We are grateful for our Provider’s faithfulness. Submit the leadership of YFC Lesotho into the hands of God, wisdom for Gert and the Board members, more members to be added and a national to take over from Gert.
- Thank our Master for the Buddy programme where we reach into prisons. Pray that this programme would be effective and ask for wisdom for us on how to help some of the inmates.
- Appreciate the Father for 2 staff members who could attend the Staff Training in Namibia. Commit our urgent need for new office space, finances and a ministry vehicle unto the Lord.
Augustine Fredericks – Coordinator [Veronica]
Boniface Kolee [Sinnah] – Prayer coordinator
- Thank God for the successful start of a Bible Study Fellowship prayer programme. Trust the Father with us for new committed National Board members.
- Exalt Jesus for visas granted to go to GA. Trust HIM for strength for staff and volunteers, as they reach the youth of our nation.
- Praise the Lord for many churches that want to partner with YFC. Intercede for Augustine for wisdom especially with the reshuffling of staff for 2012.
- Glorify the Father for peace and stability that we are enjoying in Liberia. We are currently busy with voter’s registration in our country. Continue to pray for the election in October/November this year.
Ravoniandro Maharavo Fetra (Ravo) [Lalasoa]
Clement & Sandy Prayer Coordinators
- Extol our Provider for miraculously providing for Ravo’s trip to the USA for GA. Ask the Father for guidance for the National Board members.
- Glorify the Lord for the opportunity to minister to 520 kids in Antisirabe at the end of this term. Trust the Spirit to remind children about what they’ve heard from us and to change their ways.
- Thank God for the open doors in Ambositra and Moramanga. Submit the need for an office in Ambositra unto God.
- Intercede for Ange’s family in their difficult time of mourning after she died suddenly.
Contact person & Prayer Coordinator – Collins Machira
- Glorify our Father for some committed National Board members. Ask the Spirit for guidance for the Board regarding staff matters and for more members to be added.
- Praise God for a few willing volunteers serving faithfully in YFC Malawi. Pray for them as they are doing ministry and also ask for enough finances and resources to do effective youth ministry.
- Thank Jesus for the opportunity for Collins to go to Namibia for Intern Staff training. Intercede for spiritual growth for the young people we’ve been able to reach recently.
- Honour the Lord for fruitful ministry at Kwale. Entrust the literacy classes, spiritual development and sports ministry unto Jesus.
Jean Pierre Dabou [Adeline]
Emmanuel Dao – Prayer Coordinator
- Bring Jean Pierre & Adeline to the Lord for wisdom and pray for guidance for the way forward in ministry.
- Glorify Jesus for 5 young leaders who are committed to reach youth. Intercede for Mali YFC – for more full time staff, volunteers and resources.
- Praise the Lord for the freedom to evangelise anywhere even though Christians are a minority group. We have a huge unemployment rate among youth, please pray.
Cyril Palan [Monique]
Monique & Vicky – Prayer Coordinators
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we in cooperation with the regional office would be able to pioneer Seychelles successfully.
- Honour God for our National Board members. Trust Him for more commitment and for new members to be added.
- Glorify the Father for the Youth in Action volunteers. Intercede for them for wisdom as they reach the youth of this island.
- Thank Jesus for the investment staff and volunteers made in the past. Ask Him for qualified instructors, commitment from students and good programs for the Saturday Music Course.
Albert Guambe – Acting National Director
Carlos Pedro Cumbane – Prayer Coordinator
- Appreciate God for His protection and good health of staff and volunteers. Intercede for the youth who attended the Incendio Camp to be on fire for God.
- Glorify Jesus for Water for Life who supplied a drill rig to drill wells in poor communities. Pray that the Community Bible Studies will flourish.
- Praise our Father for some committed and willing National Board members. Trust Him to guide Board members, staff and volunteer as they reach young people, also for good health for them and their family members.
- Exalt the Most High for lovely visits from teams and their input in our ministry. Continue to pray for the joint South Africa and Mozambique sports evangelism that ends on the 06th of September.
Stanley Beukes [Desiree]
- Honour the Lord for on-going openings in schools. Pray that the students will be obedient to God’s Word.
- Admire the King of kings for His continuous protection and care. Trust HIM for enough finances to cover all ministry costs.
- Praise the Father that Desiree’s operation went well and that she is recovering. Bring Stanley to the Throne of Grace for guidance, as he leads YFC Namibia and pray for enough funds for him to attend GA later this month.
- Thank God for His provision of camps at Hodygos training centre. Ask Jesus to fill the open spaces in September with the right campers.
Moussa Hamani Ali [Hadiza]
- Praise the Lord for 5 National Board of Trustees members. Intercede for them for wisdom and guidance as they serve alongside us.
- Appreciate the Father for volunteers and staff doing youth ministry. Ask HIM to guide them in such a way that even more youth in Niger will be reached.
- Trust Jesus for young leaders to be developed for ministry in YFC.
Bukola Coast Ufeli – National Director
Raymond Lamai [Naomi] – Prayer Coordinator
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Cameroon successfully.
- Honour God for His provision to YFC Nigeria. Submit Sola Famubo, the new coordinator for Lagos unto Jesus.
- We are grateful for active and committed Board members on National and State level. Intercede for the Ondo State Board who is busy with reconstitution.
- Thank God for restoring good health to the 1-year-old baby of the Accounts Officer in the National Office. Pray for a USA visa-miracle for the Nigerian delegates.
- Glorify the Father for faithful staff and volunteers serving all over the country. Trust our Provider for enough resources to complete the Aaye Training Centre.
Rolf Wiechardt [Liz]
Blessing Mpofu – Prayer coordinator
- Exalt God for favour with an auditing firm and for their willingness to conduct a financial audit for us. Entrust the National and Local Boards unto God for wisdom and guidance.
- Thank the Lord for enabling us to have Staff Conference 03 – 07 October. Pray for the preparations, the organising of the event and that all would be able to attend.
- Honour the Father for lives impacted during Buyela team’s visit to the Knysna area. Intercede for safe travels and good health as this team attends GA later this month.
- Praise Jesus for the bigger facility for Options Calitzdorp. Submit their need for 2 counsellors and an administration person unto HIM.
Contact person: Jacques Bougault
- Praise Jesus for the Regional Office’s willingness to help with the pioneering in Reunion. Entrust the pioneering process into God’s hands.
- Trust the Spirit to guide Jacques and his team as they strategise about starting an YFC ministry in Reunion.
National Director: Dickson Azie
Sephora & Debra Prayer Coordinators
- We are grateful for a venue to start a Library project. Pray that this project will come off the ground and for everything needed.
- We are grateful for all the volunteers serving with YFC Rodrigues. Trust our Provider for enough finances for ministry; for staff support, a vehicle and a permanent place for an office, also enough money to enable Dickson to attend GA next month.
- Thank Jesus for willing people serving as Board members. Intercede for them to stay committed and also for additional members.
- We are grateful for the very fruitful week of Camping last month. Commit our prison outreach programme unto the Lord.
Jean Baptiste Mugarura [Marina]
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we in cooperation with Burundi would be able to pioneer the Democratic Republic of the Congo successfully.
- We glorify God for the successful Tent Makers Ministry who help youth to become self-sustainable. Trust the Lord for enough funds to do our ministry and for a bigger piece of land outside Kigali.
- Praise the Lord for a few more sponsors for the students at Kigali Christian School. Pray for more teaching material for the science and technology classes.
- Honour the Father for a lovely outreach where we reached 4 800 people with the Gospel of whom 43 received Christ as their Saviour and we trained 282 youth pastors from 14 churches. Intercede for these people to stay committed to our Lord.
- We are thankful that the women in the HIV/AIDS Self Help groups are doing well. Stand with us in prayer for these women to implement what they’ve learned.
Nino Mendy
- Praise Jesus for our 3 young leaders reaching youth. Pray for more full time staff and volunteers.
- We are grateful for some National Board members. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct us to more people who can serve as Board members and who will be committed to the ministry of YFC.
- Worship the King of kings for a successful Soccer Championship recently. Trust our Father for enough finances and resources to do effective ministry.
- Praise Jesus for YFC Mauritius’s willingness to pioneer Seychelles. Entrust the pioneering process into God’s hands.
Abu S. Conteh [Janet]
Favour Conteh – Prayer Coordinator
- Glorify God for a fruitful camp in August. Intercede for the youth to remember what they’ve heard and to implement it in their lives.
- Honour the Father for a lovely visit of Royal Servants from the USA. Pray for spiritual growth fo those who committed themselves to Christ.
- Appreciate the Almighty One for the change we can see in the lives of the street kids we are working with. Trust our Provider for enough funds and resources to do or ministry well.
- Ask Jesus for a good working relationship between the Ministry of Education and us.
- Glorify the Father for the good elections we had. Pray for wisdom for the political leaders and a spirit of cooperation among the citizens.
- Praise Jesus for Uganda’s willingness to pioneer Sudan. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands.
National Director: Bongani Dlamini [Khumbuh]
Khumbuh Dlamini – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise God for some willing volunteers. Ask Him for more volunteers and full time workers and for enough funds to run the ministry well.
- Thank Jesus for His faithful provision. Trust HIM for clear direction and guidance as we reach the youth of our nation.
- Glorify the Father for a few National Board members. Continue to pray for more members to be added and commitment for all of them.
- We are grateful for the piece of land allocated to us in Matsapha. Pray with us for a regular donation for office rent.
- Stand with us in prayer for economical stability in Swaziland.
Ministry coordinator: Pascal Nyulahe [Esther]
- Praise Jesus for YFC Kenya’s financial input in YFC Tanzania. Entrust the pioneering process of Zanzibar into God’s hands, also favour with the government, as we need to register.
- Glorify the Father for providing airfare for Pascal to attend GA. Ask the Lord to give him a fruitful time in the USA.
- We are grateful that the Youth club and Campus ministry are doing well. Trust our Provider for enough finances to cover ministry costs.
- Thank God for a successful football tournament we had last month. Intercede for Patrick who is working hard to get YFC registered in Zanzibar.
- Appreciate the King of kings for a few committed boys and girls reaching their peers through music, dance and drama. Pray for boldness for these youngsters.
- Praise Jesus for Ghana’s willingness to pioneer Togo. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands so that a thriving ministry can start here.
- Pray for new leaders for YFC in Togo.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to direct us to the right people who can serve as Board members and ask also for full time staff and volunteers who can work in this harvest field.
- Trust God to open doors for us to do effective youth ministry.
Miriam Koote
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer southern Sudan successfully.
- Glorify God for a fruitful outreach of the Operation Hannah team to Palisa and Idudi. Entrust all who’ve been reached with the Gospel this past month unto God.
- We are grateful for the completion of office construction in Idudi. Trust the Holy Spirit to lead us in all we do in ministry.
- Honour the Faithful One for providing ministry cost for last month and the airfares to go to GA later this month. Ask HIM for journey mercies and good meetings with partners while there.
- Appreciate the King of kings that we could care for 20 pregnant teens of whom 7 gave birth to healthy babies. Pray for continued transformation of teenage and young mothers in our care.
Prayer Coordinator: John Kaniki [Florence]
- Praise the Lord for committed people serving as National Board members. Intercede for them for wisdom and ask for new members.
- We are grateful to the Lord for His provision. Ask HIM for more full time staff members, especially a person who can serve as ND.
- Pray for a safe journey to South Africa for Mike and Cynthia Stemmet, also for a fruitful time for them while they are there and safety of their children in their absence.
- Entrust volunteers Callen and Ruth and their 2 children to the Father after they’ve been in a very tragic motor vehicle accident.
- Submit the upcoming election unto God.
Sheunesu Masuka
- Glorify Jesus that Susan and Lawrence could attend Staff Training in Namibia. Trust HIM to help them to implement what they’ve heard.
- Appreciate our Father for funds received to enable Sheunesu to attend GA later this month. Pray for a fruitful time for him while he is outside the country.
- Honour the Lord for the 10th All Africa Hockey Games in Bulawayo 2-10 Sept. Ask Jesus that the Word we are going to share there will touch all the visitors’ hearts.
- We are grateful for the committed National Board we have. Intercede for them and Sheunesu for much wisdom and guidance, as they lead YFC Zimbabwe.
- Trust God for guidance for the political leaders so that we will have lasting stability.
Thank you for faithfully praying with us. We appreciate your involvement very much. Through your prayers you are an effective worker in His harvest field.
Greetings in Christ,
Koekoes van As
Africa prayer coordinator
A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.’