June 2011
“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2
Area Director [AD]: Hilary Lewis-Nicol [Melrose]
- Thank the Father for committed people serving in YFC all over Africa. Ask the Lord for the salvation and effective discipleship of youth across the continent.
- We are grateful for the way the Lord is providing for ministry in Africa. Trust HIM for enough funds and resources to do effective ministry.
- Pray for wisdom for Hilary, as he leads YFC Africa.
- Entrust our need for full time administration staff in the Area office to the Father.
Hilary Lewis-Nicol, Jean Baptiste Mugarura, David Kadalie, EJ van As, Josue Akowanou & Koekoes van As
- Pray for God’s leading and direction as we look for a suitable person to take over the Training Department.
West Africa Director: Hilary Lewis-Nicol [Melrose]
Prayer coordinator: Bremansu Osa-Andrews
- Intercede for guidance to do effective pioneering into Togo, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon.
- Thank God for the work of YFC in the West Africa Region. Ask Him to guide Hilary in his position as Regional Director [RD], especially a person to take over from him.
- Glorify Jesus that the Lewis-Nicol family settled in well in Ghana. Pray that their work and residence permits will be granted soon.
East Africa Director: Jean Baptiste Mugarura [Marina]
- Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance for Jean Baptiste as he serves on the International Board of Trustees.
- Intercede for wisdom for JB to ensure that YFC ministry in the DRC, Southern Sudan and Tanzania is established.
- Pray that he will be able to help the national programmes to grow in skills and methodologies of youth evangelism.
Francophone Director: Josue Akowanou [Prisca]
- The Akowanou family celebrates 10 years of ministry with YFC! Trust Jesus for strength, health, spiritual growth and financial provision for the whole family.
- Ask God for peace in Niger, Togo and Cote d’Ivoire and pray for protection for ND’s, their staff and families.
- Submit the need for more open doors for YFC ministry in all the Francophone countries unto the Almighty One.
- Bring the planned Francophone Conference and Internship Training later this year to the Father.
Southern Region Director: E.J. van As [Koekoes]
Prayer Coordinator: Koekoes van As
- Honour the Father for lovely ministry opportunities in Southern Africa. Submit the need for full time national workers in Malawi, Botswana, Lesotho & Zambia unto God.
- Rejoice with us for safe travels for EJ and Chris to Namibia and Zambia during May. Ask God for wisdom for EJ, as he handles the day-to-day tasks of the region.
- Praise God for His faithfulness in providing for the SR office. Trust HIM for a full time secretary in the SR office, also for funds to serve the countries well.
- Appreciate the Everlasting King for committed people serving in the Region. Pray that the ministry of YFC will flourish in all 10 nations.
Island Nations Director: David Kadalie [Denise]
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Reunion, Seychelles and Comoros/Mayotte successfully.
- We are grateful for prayer and financial supporters, for both personal and ministry. Trust our Provider for an outcome to the Kadalies’ computer problems.
- Intercede for David for guidance regarding his future ministry.
- Appreciate the Father for the arrival of David’s second book, ‘As a Leader Thinks’. Pray for the sale of this book.
- We are grateful for the opportunity to gather during GA as a worldwide family in September. Trust our Provider for the necessary funds to enable everyone to attend this very important conference.
- Ask the Spirit to give wisdom to the organisers of GA and give the speakers His messages.
- Praise Jesus for His provision towards GA. Submit everything needed into the Lord’s care.
- Entrust the final details and amendments to be worked out on the contract with the hotel into our Father’s hands.
- Please pray for timely registrations and successful visa applications of our brothers and sisters in countries where USA visas are hard to obtain.
Operation Pioneer is an extensive pioneering effort by Youth for Christ Africa to pioneer 10 countries in the next 5 years and have them ready for chartering with YFC International after 2 years.
- Pray that an effective YFC ministry will be started in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros & Mayotte, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Reunion, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania/Zanzibar and Togo. Ask our Father to raise nationals up in these countries to spearhead the ministry.
- Ask God for wisdom for the countries or offices that are going to twin up with these 10 nations to develop a ministry. [Guinea Conakry – Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria – Cameroon, Benin – Central African Republic, Ghana – Togo, Reunion – Reunion, Kenya – Tanzania/Zanzibar, Rwanda & Burundi – DR Congo, Uganda – Southern Sudan, Madagascar – Comoros/Mayotte and Island Region Office – Seychelles.]
- We are grateful for funding that already came in for this project. Trust our Provider for more funds to execute pioneering in all 10 countries, trust Him that all the nations in Africa would be able to contribute towards this project. Submit also the logistical resources needed unto our Lord.
- Stand against every force of darkness withstanding the Pioneering Initiative and intercede for peace and stability in these nations.
- Submit the implementation of everything learned at the Pionering Conference unto God.
- Ask the Spirit for guidance for the leaders of PS Canada regarding sending international volunteers.
- Glorify the Almighty One for a fruitful trip to Southern Africa for Chris Chadwick.Please pray for YFC Southwestern Ontario PS as they begin to put together a team to serve in Botswana in July 2011, pray that God will bring together the right people and provide the resources to expand His Kingdom.
- Stand in prayer with PS leaders in the USA & Canada for guidance regarding sending out teams to Africa.
- Entrust the PS team to Ghana in July into the hands of our Father.
Graciano Viliengue [Elisabeth
Carlos Monteiro – Prayer Coordinator
- Thank God for some committed National Board members. Intercede for this Board to be fully functional.
- Admire the Father for faithful staff and volunteers. Submit our material and financial needs unto our Father.
- We are grateful for the opportunities we have currently to bring the Gospel to lost young people. Trust the Lord for good working relations with the local churches and also good cooperation with the parents of our volunteers.
- Glorify Jesus for meeting our financial needs. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of the youth we are reaching on a regular basis.
Anthelm Souhouin
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Central African Republic successfully.
- Honour the Father for faithful staff and volunteers. Pray for them as they reach the youth of our nation.
- Appreciate the Lord for good ministry in schools. Trust HIM for much needed staff support and finances to cover ministry costs.
- We are grateful for a few committed Board members. Intercede for them as they serve alongside us
- Praise the Lord for the piece of land that we have. Ask our Provider to help us to develop this land into a training centre.
E.J. van As [Koekoes]
Koekoes van As – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise the Lord for committed staff, volunteers and National Board members. Pray that the Spirit will guide them in their daily tasks, especially a deep relationship with HIM.
- We are grateful for the faithfulness of our Father and His protection upon us. Ask God for continuous protection upon the YFC properties, buildings, staff homes and vehicles and safe travels for all of us.
- Thank God for restoring peace and stability in Botswana after recent riots and some violence. Trust HIM for a national director, office manager, ‘handy man’ and a financial administrator.
- Honour our King that we could reach a lot of youth during the holiday programmes of the recent school holidays. Submit these youngsters unto Jesus so that they will grow spiritually.
Paul Kabore [Celestine]
- We are grateful for 7 board members. Ask our Father for funding to renovate our buildings.
- Pray that Paul and his team will be able to make YFC an instrument that transforms the young people of their nation into the image of Jesus Christ.
- Thank God that the radio station YFC is involved with is reaching many. Trust the Spirit to speak into the hearts of young listeners to change their ways.
- We are grateful for the smooth running of the primary education institution. Intercede for Paul, his family, staff, board members and volunteers, for physical and spiritual well-being.
Freddy Tuyizere [Marie-Josee]
Frederique – Prayer Coordinator
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we in cooperation with Rwanda would be able to pioneer the Democratic Republic of the Congo successfully.
- Thank the Father for the funds that came in to complete the Vocational Training Centre and offices in Bujumbura. Trust the Father that we would be able to complete these buildings before the given deadline.
- Glorify the King of kings for sending Christophe who joined the staff of Cibitoke Homes of Hope. Stand with us in prayer for the replacement of goods stolen recently during a robbery.
- Praise Jesus for a good retreat for Operation Hannah and Watchmen prayer warriors. Ask our Provider for school sponsorhips for needy children.
Contact person: Charles Ngwa
- Praise Jesus for Nigeria’s willingness to pioneer Cameroon. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands.
- Admire God for the opportunity we have to start working in Cameroon. Ask our Father for wisdom for ongoing ministry.
- Trust the Lord to send people to work with us.
- Praise Jesus for Benin’s willingness to pioneer CAR. Entrust the re-pioneering process unto God.
- Ask the Father to send people to come and serve with YFC in this country.
- Trust Jesus for committed people to serve on the National Board.
David Kadalie, East Indian Ocean Islands Regional Director
- Praise Jesus for Madagascar’s willingness to pioneer Comoros. Entrust the pioneering process into God’s hands.
- The youth of this small nation need our love and care. Ask for wisdom and knowledge for the people who are involve with youth work on this island, for their safety and all their needs.
- Honour the Father for N’s willingness to start with youth work here. Intercede for him and his family, as they will relocate to the island in September.
Gaudens Gogo
Alcide Gogo [Colette] Prayer Coordinator
- Exhalt the Prince of Peace for establishing a new government. Trust the HIM for continued peace and stability in this country, also pray for wisdom for political leaders.
- Thank Jesus for faithful staff and some volunteers working in YFC under very difficult circumstances. Pray that we would be able to do ministry and that the office could be rebuilt after it was demolished in political unrest .
- Ask our Provider for safety and good health for staff and volunteers, enough funds for ministry, also personal support for all of us.
Contact person: Roger Vangu [Therese]
- Praise Jesus for Burundi & Rwanda’s willingness to re-pioneer DRC. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands.
- We are grateful for the opportunities in some churches and other organisations. Trust the Spirit to help us to strengthen partnerships with local churches.
- Praise the Lord for His presence in our ministry. Intercede for Roger as he does his daily tasks, asking for wisdom and for open doors for ministry.
- Pray for enough funds to run the ministry smoothly.
- Ask God for more volunteers and full time staff members
Alemtshay Yemane
- Praise the Lord for encouraging staff and volunteers through Bible study and prayer times. Ask the Spirit to guide YFC-E staff and volunteers, as they pioneer in Debre Ziet, Dessie, Duckem and Debre Berhan.
- Thank the King of kings for provision of partners and finances to sustain the ministry through fundraising initiatives. Pray for guidance for Board members, staff and volunteers, as they implement their day-to-day responsibilities.
- We are grateful for the work Fanaye Woldesemayat from New York did in the children’s ministry. Submit our need for a replacement person for her unto God.
- Honour the Father for fruitful visits from visitors recently. Bring the young people of Ethiopia before the Throne of Grace for justice and righteousness to reign.
Seal Sylvester Jammeh
Therese Jarjam – Prayer Coordinator
- The schools ministry are growing, praise the Lord for that. Ask Him for more committed volunteers to help us on a weekly basis.
- We continue to thank Jesus for His support through our donors. Trust Him that the Sewing Centre will be successful.
- We are grateful that the Operation Hannah prayer movement is doing well. Intercede for the prisoners that we are working with to grow spiritually.
- Thank the Father for the opportunity to do street evangelism regularly. Submit every person who made a commitment to Jesus for maturity.
Patrick Yin Mahama
Bremansu Osa-Andrews – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise the Almighty One for how far He has brought the ministry in Ghana. Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Togo successfully.
- Thank God for the effective training of 16 new volunteers. Pray with us that these volunteers will help get the good news to many more young people in their city.
- Commit the outreach of the PS team in July unto our Father.
- Admire Jesus for faithful staff and volunteers serving all over Ghana. Trust HIM for good office space to host the National Office.
- We are grateful that for ongoing computer training to Junior High School students. Stand with us in prayer for the completion of the Training Centre.
Jose Augusto Bedeslei [Eugenia]– National Coordinator
Emily Atkins [Jason] – Prayer coordinator
- Exalt God that the walls of the House of Prayer are up. Pray that the building would glorify God, safety of the workers and that the construction would be finished before the rains start.
- Praise the Lord for the 12 students in the discipleship school. Trust Jesus to fill them with His Spirit and prepare them to head back to their villages in a few weeks.
- Admire Jesus for the start of a new semester in our language school and pray that all the students would clearly understand the Gospel, as it is presented in the classes.
- Intercede for staff, volunteers and board members to have a deep relationship with our Lord and ask Him for new strategies to reach youth.
Reuben Tamba Komba – National Coordinator
Mathias Teepa Bumie – Prayer Coordinator
- Continue to ask for a peace and stability in our nation, the political climate has been tense since the presidential election last December.
- Pray that we would be able to pioneer Equatorial Guinea successfully.
- Exalt the Lord for the various ministries in schools, churches and communities. Intercede for the choreography team, as they reach youth in various interdenominational program.
- Rejoice with us for the young people who accepted Jesus through our school ministry. Pray that they will continue to avail themselves to discipleship programs permitting them to be rooted in their Christian faith.
• Honor our Father for willing volunteers working in different ministries. Pray that the Father will strengthen them daily that they will continue to serve as salt and light in their communities.
Grace Ojiambo [Fred]
- Honour the Father for good monthly meetings of the Operation Hannah prayer warriors. Pray for guidance in the organising of the June Prayer Rally.
- Thank Jesus for continuous school ministry and for favour with the schools. Trust God for the success of 4 major missions coming up.
- Glorify God for good opportunities for sales and sales income this month for the Rehab Centre. Stand with us in prayer for all funds needed in the different ministries of YFC.
- We are thankful for the finances received to enable us build a greenhouse and buy another pump for the Taraja Home. Pray for the security of the home, boys and staff.
- Praise the Lord for faithful Board members and committee members. Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Tanzania/ Zanzibar successfully.
Gert van den Bos – National Director
Delrine Pritiviraj – Prayer coordinator
- Rejoice with us for the success in the Rock Solid programme. Pray that the Buddies in the Buddy programme will be committed to Christ.
- We are grateful for our Provider’s faithfulness in the midst of difficult situations. Submit the leadership of YFC Lesotho into the hands of God, wisdom for Gert and the Board members, more members to be added and a national to take over from Gert.
- Thank our Master for good openings for the Options ministry at the National University of Lesotho. Trust Jesus for a director for this ministry.
- Appreciate the Father for a good Prayer Night at the YFCL office. Commit the new Super Woman programme unto the Lord.
Augustine Fredericks – Coordinator [Veronica]
Boniface Kolee [Sinnah] – Prayer coordinator
- We are grateful for the recovery of Debra, Augustine and Veronica’s daughter. Intercede for her health to be restored completely.
- Thank God for committed National Board members. Trust the Father to bless and guide these men and women as they serve alongside us.
- Exalt Jesus for faithful staff and volunteers doing youth evangelism. Ask the Spirit for guidance for the students in the SPLASH programme also for the girls in the DAWN programme.
- Praise the Lord for the fruitful work in the prisons. Submit the Music & Drama evangelistic programmes unto God.
- We are currently busy with voter’s registration in our country. Start to pray now already for the election in October this year.
Ravoniandro Maharavo Fetra (Ravo) [Lalasoa]
Clement & Sandy Prayer Coordinators
- Ask the Father to work in the hearts of the kids in the discipleship groups.
- We trust the Lord for enough finances for us to attend GA in September.
- Thank God for the way He is working and blessing our ministries in the schools. Submit the ministry in Ambositra unto God, especially open doors for
Mirana. - Praise the Lord for committed YFC workers in all the centres. Pray that the work will flourish in these centres.
Dalitso Matekenya [Neneni]
Collins Machira – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise God for a few willing and committed volunteers serving faithfully in YFC Malawi. Pray for these volunteers as they are doing ministry and also ask for enough finances to do effective youth ministry.
- Glorify our Father for some committed National Board members. Ask the Spirit for guidance for the Board regarding staff matters and for more members to be added.
- Thank Jesus that we are still able to reach youth with our limited resources. Intercede for spiritual growth for the young people we’ve been able to reach recently.
- Honour the Lord that the literacy classes on Wednesday are going well. Entrust the Mkoko Literacy class unto Jesus for growth.
Jean Pierre Dabou [Adeline]
Emmanuel Dao – Prayer Coordinator
- Bring Jean Pierre & Adeline to the Lord for wisdom and pray for guidance for the way forward in ministry.
- Glorify Jesus for 5 young leaders who are committed to reach youth. Intercede for Mali YFC – for more full time staff, volunteers and resources.
- Praise the Lord for the freedom to evangelise anywhere even though Christians are a minority group. We have a huge unemployment rate among youth, please pray.
Cyril Palan [Monique]
Monique & Vicky – Prayer Coordinators
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we in cooperation with the regional office would be able to pioneer Seychelles successfully.
- Honour God for our National Board members. Trust Him for more commitment and for new members to be added.
- Glorify the Father for the Youth in Action volunteers. Intercede for them for wisdom as they reach the youth of this island.
- Thank Jesus for the investment staff and volunteers made in the past. Ask Him for qualified instructors, commitment from students and good programmes for the Saturday Music Course.
Albert Guambe – Acting National Director
Carlos Pedro Cumbane – Prayer Coordinator
- Appreciate God for His protection and good health of staff and volunteers. Pray for the protection of all YFC properties and equipment.
- Glorify the Lord for prayer, financial and other support for YFC Moz. Intercede for the salvation of the youth of Mozambique that God’s love will set them free from all bondage.
- Praise our Father for some committed and willing National Board members. Trust Him to guide Board members, staff and volunteer as they reach young people.
- Exalt the Most High for faithful staff working in YFC. Stand with us in prayer for enough finances and resources for YFC Moz’s entire ministry.
Stanley Beukes [Desiree]
- Honour the Lord for 178 children who regularly visited the holiday programme in Oshakati. Pray for more volunteers to help in this centre.
- Admire the King of kings for His continuous protection and care. Trust HIM for enough finances to cover all ministry costs.
- Praise the Father for renovations done at the Rundu centre. Stand with us in prayer for a spiritual and financial breakthrough for our worker in Mariental.
- Thank God for His provision of camps at Hodygos training centre. Ask Jesus to fill the open spaces in June with the right campers.
Moussa Hamani Ali [Hadiza]
- Praise the Lord for 5 National Board of Trustees members. Intercede for them for wisdom and guidance as they serve alongside us.
- Appreciate the Father for volunteers and staff doing youth ministry. Ask HIM to guide them in such a way that even more youth in Niger will be reached.
- Trust Jesus for young leaders to be developed for ministry in YFC.
Bukola Coast Ufeli – National Director
Raymond Lamai [Naomi] – Prayer Coordinator
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer Cameroon successfully.
- Honour God for His provision to YFC Nigeria. Submit the National Leadership Team unto Jesus for direction and unity.
- We are grateful for active and committed Board members on National and State level. Intercede for these men and women as they devote their time to serve alongside us.
- Thank God for fruitful football outreach recently. Ask the Lord for effective Leadership seminars to 150 young people at Lafia.
- Trust the Spirit to guide the leaders of our country to do their very best for the country and it’s citizens.
Rolf Wiechardt [Liz]
Blessing Mpofu – Prayer coordinator
- Exalt God for the lovely Families Matter camp for the Cape region held at Cyara Training Centre. Intercede for wisdom for the planning of Youth Week camp 2012.
- Praise Jesus for the international internship provided for one of the YFC Knysna volunteers. Pray for successful HIV / AIDS events for community based projects in Knysna.
- Honour the Father for lives impacted & favour with the schools, local churches and prisons when Buyela team visited Gauteng province. Intercede for ministry opportunities, safety, good health and ready hearts as this team starts touring Northern & Western Cape.
- We are grateful for 6 youths who gave their lives to Jesus at YFC Poortjie. Ask our Provider for a premise for the Young Mothers project.
- Thank the Lord for the work of Khayalethu (the children’s shelter in Pietermaritzburg) to be showcased in Ezempilo Health Matters Magazine. Pray for national and local Boards to have wisdom as they help us in ministry.
Contact person: Jacques Bougault
- Praise Jesus for the Regional Office’s willingness to help with the pioneering in Reunion. Entrust the pioneering process into God’s hands.
- Trust the Spirit to guide Jacques and his team as they strategise about starting an YFC ministry in Reunion.
National Director: Dickson Azie
Sephora & Debra Prayer Coordinators
- Pray for wisdom for the staff that wants to help students who have failed in a nearby school.
- We are grateful for all the volunteers serving with YFC Rodrigues. Trust our Provider for enough finances for ministry; for staff support, a vehicle and a permanent place for an office, also enough money to enable Azie to attend GA later this year.
- Thank Jesus for willing people serving as Board members. Intercede for them to stay committed and also for additional members.
- We are grateful for the very fruitful evangelistic outreach last month. Commit all the youth whom we have reached so far this year unto the Lord for spiritual growth.
Jean Baptiste Mugarura [Marina]
- Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we in cooperation with Burundi would be able to pioneer the Democratic Republic of the Congo successfully.
- We glorify God for His provision and faithfulness. Trust the Lord for enough funds and resources to do our ministry.
- Praise the Lord that the first term at Kigali Christian School went very well with nearly 600 students in attendance. Pray that we would be able to sponsor more students and continue to provide lunch for all the students.
- Honour the Father for 38 students who are doing the 9-month Discipleship and Leadership school. Entrust the YFC family unto God for good health and security in their lives.
- We are thankful for the schools outreach program that is going well, 3 additional staff were appointed and 3 extra schools being reached. Stand with us in prayer for the youth of Rwanda to be reached.
Nino Mendy
- Praise Jesus for our 3 young leaders reaching youth. Pray for more full time staff and volunteers.
- We are grateful for some National Board members. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct us to more people who can serve as Board members and who will be committed to the ministry of YFC.
- Worship the King of kings for a successful Soccer Championship recently. Trust our Father for enough finances and resources to do effective ministry.
- Praise Jesus for YFC Mauritius’s willingness to pioneer Seychelles. Entrust the pioneering process into God’s hands.
Abu S. Conteh [Janet]
Favour Conteh – Prayer Coordinator
- Appreciate God for 8 juvenile boys and one officer at the Approved School, also one of the trainnees in the G21 Vocational Training School who surrendered their lives to Christ. Intercede for these young Christians to grow spiritually.
- Appreciate the Almighty One for the permission from government to revise the court visitation for the young offenders we are working with at the Remand Home and Approved School. Start to pray now already for the organising of the Youth Camp in August.
- Honour the Father for increasing our ministry outlets. Trust our Provider for the necessary funds to attend GA in September.
- Glorify the Father for the good elections we had. Pray for wisdom for the political leaders and a spirit of cooperation among the citizens.
- Praise Jesus for Uganda’s willingness to pioneer Sudan. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands.
National Director: Bongani Dlamini [Khumbuh]
Khumbuh Dlamini – Prayer Coordinator
- Praise God for some willing volunteers. Ask Him for more volunteers and full time workers and for the necessary funds to run the ministry well.
- Thank Jesus for His faithful provision. Trust HIM for clear direction and guidance as our ministry plan is rolled out.
- Glorify the Father for a few committed National Board members. Please continue to pray for more Board members to be added and commitment for all of them.
- We are grateful for the office space that we could use up to now. Pray with us as we relocate to another place.
- Stand with us in prayer for economical stability for our country.
Ministry coordinator: Pascal Nyulahe [Esther]
- Praise Jesus for YFC Kenya’s financial input in YFC Tanzania. Entrust the pioneering process of Zanzibar into God’s hands.
- Glorify the Father for His faithfulness until now. Trust our Provider for everything needed to do effective ministry – laptop, modem, data projector and a photocopier.
- We are grateful for a few committed National Board members. Ask the Lord to guide and lead these Brethren as they give leadership.
- Thank God for all ministry opportunities. Intercede for favour, as we need to register with the government of Zanzibar.
- Commit our need for full time staff unto the Lord so that a thriving ministry can take place in Mwanza, Kigoma and Zanzibar.
- Praise Jesus for Ghana’s willingness to pioneer Togo. Entrust the re-pioneering process into God’s hands so that a thriving ministry can start here.
- Pray for new leaders for YFC in Togo.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to direct us to the right people who can serve as Board members and ask also for full time staff and volunteers who can work in this harvest field.
Miriam Koote
- Worship the Most High for safe travels and a fruitful time for 5 staff in Kenya at the Coaching training. Ask the Lord for wisdom and provision so that we would be able to pioneer southern Sudan successfully.
- Glorify God that we could reach out to 417 youth of whom 16 Christ as their Saviour and 10 committed themselves to abstain from sex until marriage. Trust God thatwe would be able to build offices in Kampala and in Eastern Uganda.
- We are grateful that the Starfish camp went very well. Entrust the students of this project unto God for spiritual growth.
- Honour the Faithful One that we could care for 17 pregnant teens of whom 4 gave birth to healthy babies. Pray for continued transformation of teenage mothers and young mothers in our care.
- Appreciate the King of kings for lovely visits by partners in ministry. Ask Jesus for a car for the Counselling Department to take girls to hospital and carry out home visits.
Prayer Coordinator: John Kaniki [Florence]
- Praise the Lord for committed people serving as National Board members. Intercede for them for wisdom and also ask for new members to be added.
- Honour God for a fruitful visit of EJ and Chris to Zambia and for the good training given. Pray that everyone will implement what they’ve heard.
- We are grateful to the Lord for His provision. Ask HIM for more full time staff members, especially a person who can serve as ND.
- Glorify the Father for all the ministry opportunities in Mpulungu. Pray for enough finances to sustain YFC Zambia’s entire ministry.
Sheunesu Masuka
- Glorify Jesus for that we are able to care for 80 children in the Sandra Jones Children’s Village [SJCV]. Trust HIM for the success of the ‘One in a Million’ campaign to fundraise to buy a suitable property that can host the SJCV and the National Office.
- Appreciate our Father for faithful staff and volunteers working in YFC Zimbabwe under difficult circumstances. Pray for good health to all the children we are working with.
- Honour the Lord for journey mercies and His faithfulness. Ask Jesus for enough funds to do ministry especially much needed staff support.
- We are grateful for the ministry Sam Rowland; a Canadian singer did last month. Intercede all who’ve been reached, for spiritual growth and commitment.
- Ask God for guidance for the political leaders so that we will have lasting stability in Zimbabwe.
Thank you for faithfully praying with us. We appreciate your involvement very much. Through your prayers you are an effective worker in His harvest field.
Greetings in Christ,
Koekoes van As
Africa prayer coordinator
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose’ Lyndon B. Johnson